Italian Civil Service

The association Lumea Lui Pinocchio hosts projects of Universal Civil Service every year. The Universal Civil Service is an initiative of the Italian Government aimed at young people for a year of commitment, in service and in training. Young people aged 18 to 29 can join a project proposed in Italy or abroad, chosen in the fields of services to people in situations of hardship, education, environment, historical-artistic, cultural and civil protection.

The Universal Civil Service was established in 1972 as an alternative to military service for those who declared themselves “conscientious objectors”. The choice was initially evaluated by a jury of military psychologists, who had the task of assessing the real motivations of the young person for refusing military service, and the duration of the replacement civil service was greater than that of military service. In 2005, with the suspension of compulsory military service, civil service as mandatory becomes an independent experience.

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