“With the eyes of children” is Lumea lui Pinocchio’s project, developed in Panciu in 2024. The project is supported thanks to the Otto per Mille funds of the Waldensian Church www.ottopermillevaldese.org
The project aims to offer inclusive and quality education to address emerging challenges in the field of digitalisation, respond to the growing fragility of minors

“Back to school”
“Back to school” is a project implemented by Lumea lui Pinocchio Association in Panciu, Romania, in the course of 2023. It has been financed by
I was like them too.. When i was little i needed help and i didn’t always have anywhere to get it
Patricia Robu is one of the Pinocchio Centre’s most active volunteers. She is 17 years old and is a student at the “Ioan Slavici” High
Diversity, a strength – Inclusion of minorities and a reflection on diversity involving even the yougest children
Written by Aisha Scanferla, volunteer at the Pinocchio Centre, Italy The European continent, as well as each of its member states, is a constellation
The center’s recipe is love. This is how we start our day: first we hug and then we start the activities
Oana is the center’s educator, a wonderful person who is behind the educational activities. She is there for every sad or happy thought of the
Project vulneABILITY: from challenges to opportunities” has started!
We are very happy to announce that the project “vulneABILITY: from challenges to opportunities” has started! This ambitious project is taking place in our community,
BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Cristina Paraschiv – President Federica Gruppioni – Vice president Luminita Cociorba – Councilor OFFICE AND ADMINISTRATION AREA: Mihai Matache – Coordinator and social worker Larisa
Make a donation
Thanks to the work of the Association and IBO Italia staff, to the help offered by volunteers from the labor camps and solidarity and to
Anthi talks about his EVS project
A few days ago Anthi finished her Evs project. Now he tells us about his experience from his point of view. Good luck, Anthi! Hello!
Italian Civil Service
The association Lumea Lui Pinocchio hosts projects of Universal Civil Service every year. The Universal Civil Service is an initiative of the Italian Government aimed
Where we are
Lumea Lui Pinocchio Address: Alexandru Ioan Cuza Street 23 Oras Panciu – Jud. Vrancea Postal Code: 625400 Romania
The activities of the Pinocchio Day Center begin at 7:30 am. The volunteers of the association go near the statue of Ioan Slavic and offer
- IBO Italia
- IBO Svizzera
- Fondazione San Marino
- COMI ong
- Ministero degli Affari Esteri e della Cooperazione Internazionale italiano
- Fondazione Vittorio Arrigoni